What's New?
Support for Portsmouth Yardstick (PY), Small Catamaran Handicap Rating System (SCHRS) and custom handicap rating systems.
Improved export/import functionality for transferring boats, sailors, classes and even events between devices.
Easy to Use!
Easy to use, familiar, touch interface for iPhone and iPad with many hand-crafted elements to make scoring simple and intuitive.
Field tested with easy to use, animated displays and custom controls to make scoring quick and consistent for volunteers and race officials alike.
In app help tips and intuitive icons make scoring your first race a snap!
arcSail provides support for complex scoring configurations:
Score individual races, multi-day regattas and season long series.
Score uncorrected (one-design) fleets or handicapped (mixed) fleets using Portsmouth Yardstick (PY), wind-strength corrected North American Portsmouth Yardstick (NAPY), Small Catamaran Handicap Rating System (SCHRS) or PHRF Time-on-Time / Time-on-Distance.
Simultaneous short and long series calculations are supported.
Multiple simultaneous fleet starts and finishes can be tracked and scored using Low Point, Bonus Point, High Point Percentage, Low Point Average or Chips3.
With the in-app purchase, databases can be swapped between devices.
Sailors, Boats, Boat Classes, Clubs, Events, Series and Fleets can all be setup directly on your device or off the water using CSV file imports.
Calculations follow the RRS & Appendix A guidelines.
arcSail calculates complex wind and time based handicaps for short and long series instantaneously when the race is completed.
Results can be emailed or Air Printed right from your iPad or iPhone to the shore committee for printing, publishing, or protesting with in-app purchase!
Getting Started with arcSail...
Setup your regatta...
With arcSail, you will be able to get up and running quickly! Before heading out on the water, it helps if you can complete the following two tasks:
Score your first race...
With the Events and Fleets setup, Running the start sequence is a breeze. From there, you can monitor the race as it runs and prepare to score the boats as they return to be finished:
Share the results...
Event and Series results are immediately computed when each fleet race is completed and can be viewed on your iOS device. With an in App purchase, results can be emailed so they can be more easily shared on your club website: