Advanced Features
Activate these advanced features with the in-App purchase
Backup, Share and Manage your arcSail data
Here are the advanced arcSail features that support the on-going race management for your club. These features can be found under the "More" menu of arcSail. Note: Features marked with "**"require an in-app purchase to be enabled.
Backup management **
We have provided the ability to back-up, restore and email arcSail databases so that your work is never lost and so that it can be transferred between iOS devices.
Under More, Backups:
The active database is highlighted
Tap "Add" to create a new, blank database
Slide left and tap "Delete" to delete an existing, inactive database
Slide left and tap "Edit" on an existing database to:
Rename the database
Tap "Use Backup File" to select a new active database
Tap "Email Backup File" to export the selected database to email
Tap "Save Backup File" to save the selected database to Apple Files
** Backup management is enabled with an in-app purchase.
CSV Export/Import **
Many of the listings now feature an export button in the top-right corner of the screen.
Clicking on the export icon will allow you to:
Tap "Email CSV" to export the selected data to email
Tap "Save CSV" to save the selected data to Apple Files
Data exported to CSV can be viewed and updated in external programs like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets, or even Notepad. By using an exported arcSail CSV file as a template, you can carefully add or remove boats, sailors and other data from the CSV to transfer data into arcSail at the start of your season or before a big regatta. The steps to follow might be something like this:
Determine the data you want to export/import
Ensure there is at least one "dummy" record created with all the appropriate data
Tap "Email CSV" and email this yourself
Save the CSV file to your computer
Edit the CSV file by carefully adding additional data replicating the "dummy" data
Save and email this CSV back to you on your Apple device
Open the email attachment on your Apple device and click the "Export" icon
Select arcSail as the program to receive the data
Allow arcSail to merge the data into its active database
** CSV export is enabled with an in-app purchase.